Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mae Ping, Doi Inthanon 1-5 April 2012

Great Slaty Woodpecker
Following our recent trip to Doi Lang, Doi Angkhang and DYK, we had to come back for more birds. This time it was the more accessible Doi Inthanon, the highest mountain in Thailand, that we focused on.

Black-hooded Oriole
 Oriental White-eye


Again we were acompanied by U-Thai fromChiangmai Birding who included a side-trip to Mae Ping for woodpeckers and we were lucky to get a shot of the Great Slaty.
Spectacled BarwingLesser Necklaced Laughingthrush
  We saw many beautiful birds some of which were lifers and the weather was dry and cool throughout our stay.
White-browed Shortwing
Black-tailed Crake

Birds of Doi Inthanon